The 2021 update is a simplified version of the gameplay manual - a play-along guide.
2024 Guide updates uploading soon
This play-along guide has been designed to enhance facilitation of gameplay.
Using the colored labelled tabs, navigate to your preferred setup, then click on the highlighted tabs on the page.
NB: This guide is optimized for PCs, laptops and tablets.
Inspirado Hubs has included in its toolkit resources to encourage recovery capital conversations.
Firstly, an A3 paper size instructional poster for the 5 different ways of Inspiradonian gameplay has been developed in addition to ReCap pots (recovery capital conversations sheets), and action tracker sheets.
A meeting format with preamble has been written to support newly setup cafes or groups that may want to use the resource.
The recovery capital resource is an adaptation of Teodora Groshkova, Professor David Best and William White's assessment of recovery capital research. Full reference of the research can be found in the resources below.

The Recap pots sheet is designed to be used with the board game. Players allocate their morale chips to pots they strongly agree with, relevant to them or are working towards it.
Planned actions can be plotted and tracked on the Action Tracker.
Find below the resources to download.
Find here the interactive certificates that can be used to encourage change and recovery. Details of how to use the certificate are explained in the 'The Inspiradonian Science' file - page for Ability Cards..